Assiya Khuzyakhmetova

Sophomore Computer Science Student

Women Techmakers Udacity Scholar

Area of Interest

Full Stack Web Development; Software Engineering.


Currently I am a Sophomore Computer Science student at Nazarbayev University, which is located in Astana, Kazakhstan. My CGPA is 3.81/4.0. Activities include membership in ACM Student Chapter and ACM-W community.

Before starting my Undergraduate Degree, I have finished Nazarbayev University Foundation Year Program, acceptance rate for which is approximately 20%. My result in this program was 91/100.

I have graduated from High School for Gifted Children "Daryn" with Diploma of Honor and a Sign of Excellence "Altyn Belgy". During my High School I have been a participant of regional and republican Mathematics competitions and participated in Science Competitions with Physics Projects.

I have also studied at the Summer School at Specialized Scientific Educational Center at Novosibirsk State University, where I have been accepted according to the result of Mathematics Olympiad, which was held accross the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States


I have interned in nFactorial Incubator in Astana, where I was Android Developer Intern. In the period of 3 months I have learned Android Development and created an Educational Android Application for children, which was selected to participate at UNICEF Innovations Lab Hackathon at EXPO 2017 exhibition.

I have also been a Teaching Assistant at my High School, where I have given some lessons to Mathematics Olympiad group on such topics as Combinatorics, Probability, Analyzis of Functions, etc.

Awards and Recognition

Won Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship, as a part of which I learn Full Stack Web Development

Participated at invite-only Google Inside Look event in London in August, 2017

Was honorably mentioned at Republican Mathematical and Computer Modelling Republican Competition among University Students

Won a silver medal at Republican Presidential Olympiad in Mathematics in High School

Was selected to participate at International Science Festival in Moscow State University, with Mathematics project "Fractional derivatives in the analysis of functions"



Java, C, Python, SQL Databases, PostreSQL, MySQL, SQLAlchemy ORM, Vagrant VM, Unix OS, Latex, HTML, CSS, basics of Arduino.

Featured Work

The First project

Movie Website

The second project

21 Steps App

The third project

Photo Gallery

The First project

Item Catalog Project

The second project

Virtual Assistant

The third project

Log's Analysis